Sunday, February 28, 2010

Entertain me.

Found this. really helps with the stress.. ;)


Man's thoughts.

How kids think.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Im bored to death! haiz.. have yet to start on is there really a need to study law? huh? huh?!? HMM. Since nothing exciting happened today that's worth typing , how about some pictures.. :)

Of course, firstly would be our picture.. heehee

Who on earth do this to their food..
put eyes to every single thing that is edible.. even the cereal... hahahs.

and then there's gummy tribe's sacrifices.

Request to bf..i noe you'r reading this...
i nak..bleh?????

Wishes. Wishes.

I forsee that this post is gonna be a long one.

Firstly i would like to say...


To Yussof, may this year be a better year and a fruitful one for you.
Its great that we manage to surprise you on your bday.. terkjot eh die.. hehehs. hmm.. you have been one great friend.. great to hang out with.. one day we all play uglydoll boardgame again kae... "ugly3!" hehehh..

To Feza, lets toast to the great future ahead of you.
Its been 8 years and our friendship is still strong as ever. It has been great, filled with sweet and unforgettable memories that will always be treasured. Im glad to have celebrate your bday with you on this special day(26 feb). Eventhough it isnt much.. At least we hugged kan?? Emo kjap... heehee..

Apparently, kiter luper lah nak amek gmbr. Hence, the old pics. :)

Well before meeting Feza, i took PSCM paper which is manageable and at the same time, hard. Arghh.. First2 during the 10 mins reading period, ingatkan leh uat. skali... haprak siak... heez.. Study hard2 and end up with this.. grrr.... hmm... at least its over. now got to move on and study -.-'

Lesson to be learn, Hanim. Never underestimate the power of the redbull drink. i drank it to stay awake through the night to finish up studying. coz die2 must finish studying.. Felt great until the moment when im lying on the bed. TAK BOLEH TIDUR!! hehehs.. tu lah gatal sngt. hehehs...

Aiyoo.. muker putih melepak.

Entertainment for the day

Hmm... too tired to blog already lah.. so long then.. good night..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It all come to this

Hmm.. im craving for famous amos... :( Studying PSCM is tough. It will make you mad. I was so focused studying just now that i get irritated with phonecalls. sorry b i PMS u tadi... tk sengaje. hehehh.. hmm... for now i think there's 3 more chapters to go before moving on to past year papers.. all the best to myself.*HOPING NOT TO SCREW UP THIS PAPER AS WELL*

On a lighter note, i told bf that i'm going to post something bout him today. Not really sure what i should talk about though.. one thing for sure, he have been a great guy. Throughout relationship, he had patiently put up with all my nonsense and stubbornness. There are times when he would blast at me...coz apparently, i've gone over the line. hehehh.. sorry bout that hunn. Alahh... small matter je lah.. every relationship have its own ups and downs mah.. at least, ours nvr includes any third party kan b.. :) Its also a good thing that we nvr fought over jealousy.. jealous for what? sebab he look at other girls when im walking with him? nonsense lah. bukan nyer die terpkat pat pmpn tu. die tertgok je per.. aku pun kdg2 terglance pat good looking guys. but its just looking. in my heart i know that aku da ader matair and i'll stick with him. so its not really a big issue. UNLESS if he keeps on looking at her aru aku tanyer. have some faith.

Dalah.. im going off now. Nak gi beli famous amos..:)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


For the first time, i do not feel the urgency to study for my exams and i really need to achieve good grades for this sem. To add on to it, im goin out later! bagus lah tu ehk.. Ouh but on the other hand, its a good thing that my papers are all 3 days apart, meaning that i do not have to rush through studying for the papers.

Very well. Here are some random pictures.

Drink Cherryade! hahah.

Ouh yeah. Feza's fiance is called yan as well. So when we talk it will be like, "ey yan kau........yan aku.....yan kau...." hehehs. myb i should just change yan's name since we are used to calling her fiance yan in the first place.

Me and yan :)

Anyway, i told bf im starting a blog. He said, "i want to read but jangan tulis panjang2 ehk." (-.-') siow lah u b.. if my post is too long for u. then only read the short ones ouhk? hehehs.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hmm... how should i put this to words...
Fcuking cb apu neneh lah! of all days... seriously OF ALL DAYS... today would be the day that im having migraine! A bad one indeed. Really screwed up my whole FM paper lah. lagik2 the theory.. cibot btol.. should have taken MC kan...

Well, at least im not the only one who screwed the paper. Anyway, i was in the train this morning and all seats were occupied. i really suffered standing. The worst part was when reaching jurong east, i have a sudden urge to vomit. It reached to the point where my jaw starts to hurt and it all comes to either i vomit or faint. lucky that i manage to get out of the train in time to find seats n cool myself down. and im glad to vomit my heart out at dover's toilet arh. its sucks man. i hate this feeling. why am i always getting migraine nie?!?!

Met bf's friend today.. kecoh lah.. hehehs.. go to hell with the others.

My Very First Post

"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson